AES Updated with New HTS Codes

On November 7, 2019 the recent additions to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) were available in the Automated Export System (AES). The 2019 Schedule B and HTS tables are available for downloading here. The current list of HTS codes that are not valid for AES are...

CBP: New Data Initiative for ACE Reports is in the Works

CBP is excited to share that it has begun a new data initiative for ACE Reports. The initiative includes: Transitioning Importer Trade Activity (ITRAC) to ACE Reports Enhancing ACE Reports processing speeds and data retrieval capabilities Providing new data universes...

ACE Development and Deployment Schedule Released

An updated ACE Development and Deployment Schedule has been posted to The following changes have been made, as of July 2019: Updated deployment date for Section 321: Entry Type 86 from August 2019 to September 28, 2019 Updated deployment for Collections...

Tips on How to Resolve AES Fatal Errors – Part 21

(Source: When a shipment is filed to the AES, a system response message is generated and indicates whether the shipment has been accepted or rejected. If the shipment is accepted, the AES filer receives an Internal Transaction Number...